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GreenWorld Enterprises Inc. is laser focused on addressing and solving challenges and inequities across the Globe. Our energies and daily work are squarely on Sustainable Projects, Hot Kitchen Meals, Community Initiatives, Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Social Housing and many other critically demanding crises globally. A major part of our business hinges on securing Project Funding solutions for viable Projects internationally

​We Team up and collaborate with movers and shakers around the World with a similar vision to improve the lives of people. Our World, 8 billion and growing, is by no stretch of the imagination an equitable one. Geography and accessibility, weather, governments, ideologies, climate change and a host of man made barriers create and sustain inequities globally.


"To stand shoulder to shoulder with today’s leaders in the transformation of global agriculture, housing and technology, by harnessing the immense power of green energy and sustainable, 365 days a year, greenhouse agriculture, ensuring a smarter, greener, healthier, and more sustainable future for humanity."


Our Company works closely with private entities, large corporations, financial entities, humanitarian groups, focus groups, advocates, philanthropists and several others to collaborate on specific Projects which will improve the standard of living of people across the World.

​For example, Solar Greenhouses do not depend on the weather conditions of it's location. This type of Agriculture is sustained in a controlled environment, so laying the foundation for a bountiful yield, unaffected by the adversity of mother nature. In addition to providing a dependable source of food, more jobs are created and standard of living is elevated for communities which are so very much in need. 


Similarly new and improved clinics, hospitals, schools provide desperately needed care, services and education. Our Hot Kitchens Project provides immediate meals for those who need it the most. Low cost housing ensures easier access to shelter for many without adequate protection. Our Company is fully engaged, committed and working 365 days a year to create Climate Change awareness, secure joint collaborations and stay focused on results to improve our World. 

Meet Our Team











Beverley MacNaughton | CEO

Ms. MacNaughton is very hands on with our major Projects and partners on a day to day basis. Our Solar Greenhouse Project in Ottawa, Canada and our Hot Kitchens, Humanitarian Project has taken center stage as Ms. MacNaughton continues to work very closely with our Partners

Nadira Haniff | Business Strategist - Senior Consultant

Ms. Nadira Haniff has extensive, long-term experience and specialization as a Business Analyst to Global Energy and Commodity Supply companies. She brings a wealth of corporate experience, project management, leadership, and a robust, cutting-edge Marketing skillset. 

Anoop Gupta | Business Development - New Sectors

Mr. Gupta has over the years placed great emphasis on expanding our Business portfolio and is focused on strengthening our international Partnerships. Each sector of our business demands dedicated attention to ensure we serve our Clients & Partnerships well. 

Jerald Asamoah | Africa Specialist & Client Relations

Mr. Asamoah has worked tirelessly in the development of our Project base and Partnerships in Ghana and Africa on the whole. He understand the challenges as well as embraces the remarkable culture, specific business approach and strong bonds which we have built.

Divine Williams | Strategy & R+D Development 

Mr. Williams is our Lead Research & Development personnel with the skillset to match. He specializes in the ground work and research for our new market acquisitions, data driven expansion of current markets and crucial market research into new product technology. 

Atty. Martyn


Attorney Martyn Davis | UK

Mr. Davis is our trusted, legal mind whom we depend on for his specialized expertise. He works closely with GW on contracts and advises on our day to day legal work. Our Company and Partners rely on the knowledge and experience of Mr. Davis. 



Jose Angel | Latin America Specialist & Client Relations

Mr. Angel specializes in the Spanish speaking countries and communities in which we have developed partnerships and keen business interests. His experience and high level business contacts provide remarkable scope for major business expansion for GW.



Martin King | Crypto Specialist

Mr. King manages our Crypto Hub on a day to day basis. His detailed knowledge of the market place, blockchain technology positions him strategically in this space. He has a solid understanding of buy-sell dynamics, smart contracts and customer relationships. 



Cyrus Annan | Business Development Consultant

Mr. Annan currently manages our Icumsa 45, Sugar Hub, business expansion. Our direct export relationships in Brazil gives us the winning edge in Sales of IC45. Mr. Annan is skilled at growing our customer base internationally and ensuring repeat business in the Sector.

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