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Imagine If We All Cared More - It's A Stretch, I Know

Imagine, OK yes, I know this is asking a lot! But just take a deep breath and go on a mental journey with me for a few precious minutes. If I asked you now,  just for a little sliver of your time to shed every bias of humanity you have developed; wittingly or unwittingly. I would be the first to proclaim “I am not biased. We are all human”. But I want you to dig deeper – just for a few minutes – shed the guardrails – and drill down, we all harbor biased thoughts, even the best of us, one way or another. Whether it’s from our upbringing, rumors, news reports, propaganda, or hushed whispers across rooms; it is every present.

Throughout history, man has plundered, murdered, decimated, conquered, humiliated, and destroyed humans in the name of power, fame, color, country, and a host of validations. A species so intelligent yet we have shed so much human blood on this planet.  And I know, the unanswered question is “What can I do? Those who buck the norm are usually banished, locked away,  killed, or silenced”.  But just for a moment, walk with me…

Imagine a world where kindness is universal, where generosity and equality are a fundamental truth rather than an anomaly. Earth where people would treat one another with respect, irrespective of race, nationality, politics, religion, or any man-made difference, carving a path to real human connection, appreciation, and understanding.

Our children would grow up seeing diversity as a strength, learning from each other's cultures and experiences without fear or prejudice. What if Nations would collaborate, pooling resources and knowledge for the betterment of humanity, rather than hatred, fighting, and muscling their way to power, wealth, and nuclear arsenal?

In this new world, society would prioritize the well-being of all its people. How about we look out for one another, driven by compassion rather than misplaced competition? (Don’t misunderstand, competition is awesome, but misplaced it is not!) Governments would focus on creating policies that ensure equal access to healthcare, education, and opportunities. Violence born of hatred and misunderstanding, would fade away, replaced by dialogue, empathy, and peacebuilding.

The spirit of unity would extend not just to humanity but to all living creatures, fostering a planet where harmony and sustainability thrive, Environmental care would not be a hoax but a strong sense of protecting  Earth, it’s our shared home.

In this world, the barriers we create between ourselves—whether through borders, skin color, or beliefs—would eventually crumble, upholding leaders who make decisions based on the shared goal of human flourishing. Just imagine… OK, the moment has passed, and you are back to the real Earth!


About the Author: Ms. Nadira Haniff is an Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Business Strategist with a keen focus on Finance & Capital Development for Projects and Initiatives that improve Humanity's quality of life. With a relentless passion for Social equality, eradicating Food Insecurity, and overall Socio-Economic upliftment of communities, Ms. Haniff bears the torch, collaborating with the movers and shakers of the World to solve the pressing challenges of Climate Change, and other major global crises.

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Sep 29

Thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing


Sep 29

Very well said.. keep writing such more beautiful blogs Nadira.. i know you care for the world..

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